A lifelong learner, I segued into an art career in 2010, following decades as a psychotherapist and author of four books, one about high achieving older women in the arts (https://KarmaKitaj.com). Since then, I have studied with brilliant painters who have generously mentored and coached me. As host of a public access TV show,  “ALivelihood: New Adventures as We Age,” I interviewed people who entered a new career in mid to later life. Sandra Shuman, one of those encore careerists, invited me to her studio to experience making art; the colors and textures of mediums she exposed me to cemented my new passion for creating paintings. Later I discovered the ancient art of encaustic, painting with pigmented hot wax, which occupied my attention for years.

    During the heights of the pandemic, I segued from abstract only to painting abstracted figurative images, based on charcoal sketches from  life drawing classes. I was intent on depicting the human condition with political-social commentary of what was going wrong.

    I continue to pursue the human form, using bold saturated color, little perspective, and mysterious fantasy environments, although I want to convey more of a sense of humor and mystery, rather than imparting a message.

    My studio in rural Massachusetts overlooks pasture, forest, and the hills of New Hampshire. My husband and I enjoy dancing Argentinian tango, having been avid equestrians, walking our adorable rescue dogs, and challenging ourselves to be fit and curious.